Miranda monster prom
Miranda monster prom

miranda monster prom

They can have a great time just looking down on people. But that’s not entirely a bad thing, as they (especially Liam) value good discussion of art. Both being quite stubborn (in their own ways), it’s not strange for them to end up arguing about their very different judgments and interpretations of any art piece they see. They love the intellectual consumption of the different shapes of art. Oz admires Amira’s strength and character, while she tries to remind herself she has to be more patient with him. Amira’s eternal fire can be a bit overwhelming for the quiet Oz, white Oz’s shyness and lack of nerve can sometimes be annoying to Amira, who prefers straight answers and immediate action.

miranda monster prom

Also, they tend to be the primary targets for the Slayer, so they have shared many moments trying to survive her mortal attacks.Īmira and Oz have a good relationship, but sometimes they can clash in essential ways. Because of this, they can easily drive each other crazy, but in the end, they're similar in their own ways, and they can ultimately understand each other. They both are tons of angst and rebellious attitudes, but they exteriorize them in very different ways. Also, Miranda tends to be really offensive without even noticing, but Polly is rarely offended, so she tends to be okay. But Miranda has no idea, so she’s okay with everything. Miranda is oblivious to all things regular life and Polly is more than happy to educate her, even if she has kind of a fucked-up vision of how regular life works. Even so, they can find common ground in their love for money, power, and being in control. Vera is all about earning her own money and power, so she’s not super into Miranda’s whole silver spoon thing. Vera and Miranda can really get on each other’s nerves, mostly because of the fact that they both love to be in charge. Also, they compliment each other quite well, Vicky being a good leader without being bossy and Oz being more quiet and compliant.

miranda monster prom

They could greatly enjoy a board game night or solving crimes together. They share a bunch of interests and love good adventures without being too wild or too mean. These two have a great friendship, both of them being a bit dorky.

Miranda monster prom